Gene GADMO51202 (A0A075QRY1)

E Gadus morhua | Elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein [elovl7]

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General Information

DescriptionELOVL fatty acid elongase 7a [Source:NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene);Acc:115545212]; transcript_id=ENSGMOT00000008618.2
Organism GADMO - Gadus morhua
Locus[ Chromosome 6 ]: 16909811 ... 16913349
Number of exons7
Exonsjoin(16909811..16909874, 16910200..16910390, 16911269..16911343, 16912513..16912569, 16912652..16912757, 16912858..16912994, 16913098..16913349)

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