Gene GADMO40814 (A0A8C5C3A1)

E Gadus morhua | Glucosidase 2 subunit beta [prkcsh]

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General Information

Descriptionprotein kinase C substrate 80K-H [Source:NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene);Acc:115530043]; transcript_id=ENSGMOT00000033609.1
Organism GADMO - Gadus morhua
Locus[ Chromosome 2 ]: 8488095 ... 8492963
Number of exons16
Exonsjoin(8488095..8488242, 8488334..8488450, 8488546..8488641, 8488751..8488808, 8488953..8489070, 8489437..8489566, 8489687..8489771, 8490054..8490132, 8490249..8490332, 8490913..8491083, 8491223..8491313, 8491955..8492024, 8492243..8492332, 8492417..8492491, 8492598..8492697, 8492820..8492963)

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