Gene ELEEL24581 (A0A4W4G574)

E Electrophorus electricus | PAT complex subunit CCDC47 [ccdc47]

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General Information

Descriptioncoiled-coil domain containing 47 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:113580204]; transcript_id=ENSEEET00000033277.1
Organism ELEEL - Electrophorus electricus
Locus[ Scaffold RBHW02000226.1 ]: 102594 ... 106444
Number of exons13
Exonsjoin(102594..102658, 103056..103278, 103677..103769, 103847..104021, 104343..104464, 104612..104677, 104760..104861, 105019..105129, 105298..105383, 105504..105562, 105911..106020, 106115..106282, 106364..106444)

IDs and Cross-references

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