Gene ELEEL10539 (A0A4W4E6I7)

E Electrophorus electricus | Solute carrier family 43 member 3a [slc43a3a]

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General Information

Descriptionsolute carrier family 43 member 3-like [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:113571526]; transcript_id=ENSEEET00000007511.1
Organism ELEEL - Electrophorus electricus
Locus[ Scaffold RBHW02000044.1 ]: 511808 ... 516347
Number of exons13
Exonsjoin(511808..511991, 512134..512263, 512809..512855, 512942..513018, 513171..513263, 513478..513617, 513702..513853, 514091..514234, 514453..514560, 514649..514835, 514928..515048, 515657..515759, 516322..516347)

IDs and Cross-references

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