Gene ECHNA14723 (A0A665TJD0)

E Echeneis naucrates | LDL receptor related protein associated protein 1 [lrpap1]

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General Information

DescriptionLDL receptor related protein associated protein 1 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:115049270]; transcript_id=ENSENLT00000007359.1
Organism ECHNA - Echeneis naucrates
Locus[ Chromosome 1 ]: 8425522 ... 8434492
Number of exons9
Exonsjoin(8425522..8425604, 8425936..8426092, 8426940..8427084, 8429144..8429274, 8430285..8430405, 8431885..8432040, 8432831..8432913, 8433396..8433572, 8434424..8434492)

IDs and Cross-references

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