Gene DROME02424 (Q0E8Q7)

E Drosophila melanogaster | Engulfment ABC transporter in the ovary, isoform B [Eato]

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General Information

DescriptionEngulfment ABC Transporter in the ovary; transcript_id=FBtr0110941
Organism DROME - Drosophila melanogaster
Locus[ Chromosome 2L ]: 13784170 ... 13790301
Number of exons15
Exonsjoin(13784170..13784352, 13784471..13784594, 13784786..13784986, 13785051..13785521, 13785580..13785738, 13785797..13785975, 13786280..13786496, 13786559..13786859, 13786923..13787235, 13787300..13787451, 13787513..13787696, 13787799..13788036, 13788097..13788720, 13788788..13789790, 13789857..13790301)

IDs and Cross-references