Gene DANRE46797 (A0A8M9PDY1)

E Danio rerio | ER membrane protein complex subunit 1 [emc1]

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General Information

DescriptionER membrane protein complex subunit 1 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:565399]; transcript_id=ENSDART00000190432.1
Organism DANRE - Danio rerio
Locus[ Scaffold CHR_ALT_CTG23_1_18 ]: 320249 ... 335246
Number of exons22
Exonsjoin(320249..320340, 320496..320623, 322701..322766, 322847..322940, 323036..323164, 323322..323448, 323994..324149, 324241..324408, 325611..325682, 325758..325856, 325947..326043, 327606..327722, 328308..328507, 328586..328735, 331329..331490, 331571..331690, 331780..331917, 332010..332183, 332290..332500, 334663..334747, 334846..334975, 335067..335246)

IDs and Cross-references

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