Gene DANRE27905 (A0A2R8QFX4)

E Danio rerio | Milk fat globule EGF and factor V/VIII domain-cont [mfge8b]

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General Information

Descriptionmilk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein b [Source:ZFIN;Acc:ZDB-GENE-070209-137]; transcript_id=ENSDART00000184982.1
Organism DANRE - Danio rerio
Locus[ Chromosome 25 ]: 19149385 ... 19188405
Number of exons10
Exonsjoin(19149385..19149466, 19162615..19162740, 19164104..19164235, 19175594..19175707, 19178169..19178350, 19179013..19179168, 19180097..19180241, 19181293..19181495, 19184025..19184180, 19188262..19188405)

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