Gene DANRE11280 (F1QAX5)

E Danio rerio | Zinc finger-containing ubiquitin peptidase 1 [zufsp]

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General Information

Descriptionzinc finger containing ubiquitin peptidase 1 [Source:ZFIN;Acc:ZDB-GENE-070209-211]; transcript_id=ENSDART00000084009.6
Organism DANRE - Danio rerio
Locus[ Chromosome 16 ]: 32186030 ... 32196640
Number of exons11
Exonsjoin(32186030..32186528, 32187722..32187817, 32187930..32187989, 32188088..32188195, 32190346..32190458, 32190571..32190739, 32192129..32192314, 32192395..32192557, 32193769..32193932, 32195659..32195879, 32196593..32196640)

IDs and Cross-references

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