Gene CYPCA87953 (A0A9J7YT93)

E Cyprinus carpio carpio | Phosphatase and tensin homolog A | Phosphatase and tensin homolog A isoform X1 [ptena]

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General Information

Descriptionphosphatase and tensin homolog A [Source:ZFIN;Acc:ZDB-GENE-030131-3776]; transcript_id=ENSCCRT00000160942.1
Organism CYPCA - Cyprinus carpio carpio
Locus[ Scaffold CAJNDQ010000031.1 ]: 16773259 ... 16783456
Number of exons10
Exonsjoin(16773259..16773343, 16776734..16776818, 16776972..16777016, 16777105..16777148, 16778184..16778422, 16778547..16778688, 16779411..16779479, 16780879..16781045, 16781401..16781724, 16783271..16783456)

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