Gene CHRPI10431 (A0A8C3IAQ8)

E Chrysemys picta bellii | Ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator [RALGDS]

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General Information

Organism CHRPI - Chrysemys picta bellii
Locus[ Scaffold KK082938.1 ]: 2689282 ... 2794878
Number of exons18
Exonsjoin(2689282..2689302, 2779802..2779912, 2782117..2782310, 2784083..2784157, 2784724..2784917, 2785488..2785609, 2785757..2785972, 2786721..2786824, 2787446..2787530, 2790078..2790155, 2790250..2790336, 2790626..2790658, 2790970..2791091, 2791607..2791702, 2792561..2792813, 2793130..2793375, 2793631..2793745, 2794703..2794878)

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