Gene CHRPI02606 (A0A8C3FLN1)

E Chrysemys picta bellii | Hyaluronan mediated motility receptor [HMMR]

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General Information

Organism CHRPI - Chrysemys picta bellii
Locus[ Scaffold KK088198.1 ]: 7239361 ... 7265181
Number of exons18
Exonsjoin(7239361..7239406, 7243414..7243536, 7244375..7244463, 7245276..7245326, 7245957..7246145, 7247917..7248003, 7250697..7250797, 7252648..7252722, 7254181..7254359, 7255098..7255246, 7255521..7255735, 7257410..7257526, 7261429..7261587, 7263017..7263169, 7263307..7263406, 7263746..7263922, 7264483..7264645, 7265162..7265181)

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