Gene CANLF04043 (A0A8C0P4A1)

E Canis lupus familiaris | Cytochrome P450 4A37 | Cytochrome P450 4A38 [CYP4A37] [CYP4A38]

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General Information

Descriptioncytochrome P450 4A37 [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001041490]
Organism CANLF - Canis lupus familiaris
Locus[ Chromosome 15 ]: 13604173 ... 13623014
Number of exons12
Exonsjoin(13604173..13604367, 13607574..13607715, 13608565..13608609, 13615688..13615815, 13616789..13616913, 13617266..13617420, 13617859..13617965, 13618057..13618247, 13618343..13618476, 13620169..13620233, 13620374..13620450, 13622846..13623014)

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