Gene CALMI02702 (A0A4W3JGV9)

E Callorhinchus milii | Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type E [ptpre]

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General Information

Descriptionprotein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type E [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:103180300]; transcript_id=ENSCMIT00000042250.1
Organism CALMI - Callorhinchus milii
Locus[ Scaffold KI635857.1 ]: 672179 ... 697905
Number of exons19
Exonsjoin(672179..672260, 677739..677826, 680135..680208, 682929..683065, 684507..684597, 686222..686298, 686428..686464, 686720..686817, 687500..687619, 688161..688327, 690317..690452, 690922..691071, 692311..692404, 693221..693297, 694009..694143, 694597..694722, 695566..695720, 697556..697691, 697831..697905)

IDs and Cross-references