E Callithrix jacchus | ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 m [ADAMTS2]
Description | ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:218]; transcript_id=ENSCJAT00000037123.4 |
Organism | CALJA - Callithrix jacchus |
Locus | [ Chromosome 2 ]: 69537701 ... 69755142 |
Number of exons | 22 |
Exons | join(69537701..69537830, 69538838..69539232, 69603967..69604120, 69667112..69667314, 69690385..69690468, 69708922..69709078, 69712527..69712632, 69713202..69713345, 69713764..69713896, 69715147..69715260, 69728656..69728801, 69730784..69730959, 69732400..69732533, 69736579..69736702, 69737130..69737210, 69738969..69739135, 69741078..69741237, 69743082..69743214, 69744037..69744097, 69746180..69746309, 69747250..69747339, 69754685..69755142) |