Gene CAEEL01736 (G5EEN6)

E Caenorhabditis elegans | DNA repair and recombination protein RAD54-like [rad-54.l]

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General Information

Organism CAEEL - Caenorhabditis elegans
Locus[ Chromosome I ]: 9065087 ... 9070057
Number of exons17
Exonsjoin(9065087..9065190, 9065605..9065683, 9065757..9066000, 9066044..9066183, 9066283..9066628, 9066702..9066826, 9066872..9066990, 9067035..9067112, 9067160..9067286, 9067335..9067442, 9067488..9067596, 9067908..9068074, 9068465..9068806, 9069234..9069331, 9069453..9069564, 9069608..9069682, 9069974..9070057)

IDs and Cross-references

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