Gene BOVIN18434 (E1BEH1)

E Bos taurus | Potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K memb [KCNK16]

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General Information

Descriptionpotassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 16 [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:30469]; transcript_id=ENSBTAT00000030656.5
Organism BOVIN - Bos taurus
Locus[ Chromosome 23 ]: 13181395 ... 13187689
Number of exons5
Exonsjoin(complement(13187477..13187689), complement(13184198..13184312), complement(13182909..13183075), complement(13181942..13182107), complement(13181395..13181618))

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