Gene BOVIN16668 (A3KMX9)

E Bos taurus | Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, mitochondr [CYP11A1]

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General Information

Descriptioncytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 [Source:NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene);Acc:338048]; transcript_id=ENSBTAT00000009106.6
Organism BOVIN - Bos taurus
Locus[ Chromosome 21 ]: 34328606 ... 34342625
Number of exons9
Exonsjoin(34328606..34328874, 34332206..34332361, 34334417..34334616, 34335634..34335837, 34336712..34336869, 34340930..34341096, 34341385..34341463, 34341926..34342123, 34342494..34342625)

IDs and Cross-references

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