E Bos taurus | Short transient receptor potential channel 6 [TRPC6]

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General Information

Descriptiontransient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 6 [Source:VGNC Symbol;Acc:VGNC:36386]; transcript_id=ENSBTAT00000061311.3
Organism BOVIN - Bos taurus
Locus[ Chromosome 15 ]: 7313385 ... 7472045
Number of exons13
Exonsjoin(7313385..7313551, 7412923..7413697, 7429050..7429235, 7434055..7434219, 7443535..7443751, 7450245..7450478, 7454502..7454766, 7456188..7456383, 7457169..7457372, 7459088..7459162, 7469372..7469455, 7470931..7471006, 7471894..7472045)

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