Gene BOBOX25645 (A0A4W2D603)

E Bos indicus x Bos taurus | Lectin, mannose binding 2 [LMAN2]

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General Information

Descriptionlectin, mannose binding 2 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:113895542]; transcript_id=ENSBIXT00000035916.1
Organism BOBOX - Bos indicus x Bos taurus
Locus[ Chromosome 7 ]: 71418786 ... 71489945
Number of exons9
Exonsjoin(71418786..71418990, 71419159..71419277, 71433584..71433701, 71434331..71434410, 71434553..71434714, 71434803..71434917, 71437431..71437550, 71438726..71438798, 71489648..71489945)

IDs and Cross-references

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