Gene BOBOX11529 (A0A4W2H0F9)

E Bos indicus x Bos taurus | Glycogen [starch] synthase [GYS1]

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General Information

Descriptionglycogen synthase 1 [Source:NCBI gene;Acc:113876219]; transcript_id=ENSBIXT00000023308.1
Organism BOBOX - Bos indicus x Bos taurus
Locus[ Chromosome 18 ]: 9983620 ... 9998932
Number of exons16
Exonsjoin(9983620..9983737, 9985211..9985392, 9987598..9987789, 9988966..9989151, 9989394..9989538, 9990499..9990616, 9990916..9991036, 9991327..9991433, 9993503..9993562, 9993653..9993731, 9995284..9995397, 9995718..9995844, 9997462..9997557, 9997748..9997911, 9998352..9998432, 9998612..9998932)

IDs and Cross-references