E Balaenoptera musculus | Reversion inducing cysteine rich protein with kaza [RECK]
Description | reversion inducing cysteine rich protein with kazal motifs [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11345]; transcript_id=ENSBMST00010008065.1 |
Organism | BALMU - Balaenoptera musculus |
Locus | [ Chromosome 6 ]: 79967062 ... 80042157 |
Number of exons | 21 |
Exons | join(79967062..79967161, 79976850..79976908, 79981670..79981744, 79982660..79982696, 79985254..79985339, 79986908..79986955, 80000755..80000788, 80003364..80003561, 80013700..80013967, 80016578..80016757, 80020748..80020960, 80022653..80022789, 80025718..80025858, 80028014..80028202, 80029723..80029845, 80031307..80031478, 80037157..80037349, 80038626..80038836, 80040031..80040104, 80040949..80041104, 80041936..80042157) |