Gene ARATH32649 (A0A1P8BG69)

E Arabidopsis thaliana | Cleft lip and palate associated transmembrane prot | Transmembrane CLPTM1 family protein

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General Information

Organism ARATH - Arabidopsis thaliana
Locus[ Chromosome 5 ]: 2748261 ... 2751590
Number of exons12
Exonsjoin(2748261..2748479, 2748661..2748807, 2748893..2749007, 2749108..2749202, 2749312..2749415, 2749541..2749578, 2749947..2750182, 2750351..2750444, 2750525..2750715, 2750859..2751078, 2751172..2751339, 2751445..2751590)

IDs and Cross-references

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