Gene AMPOC17261 (A0A3Q1AM11)

E Amphiprion ocellaris | Reversion inducing cysteine rich protein with kaza [RECK]

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General Information

Organism AMPOC - Amphiprion ocellaris
Locus[ Scaffold NXFZ01002381.1 ]: 145779 ... 201441
Number of exons19
Exonsjoin(145779..145780, 147516..147573, 154694..154730, 156888..156973, 157113..157164, 158290..158487, 160438..160726, 160855..161007, 166854..167066, 168119..168255, 169913..170056, 170125..170313, 176773..176895, 178406..178577, 182032..182221, 183744..183954, 184111..184184, 191265..191420, 201220..201441)

IDs and Cross-references

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