Gene AILME12895 (ENSAMEG00000017352)

E Ailuropoda melanoleuca

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General Information

Descriptionserine palmitoyltransferase, long chain base subunit 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:11277]
Organism AILME - Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Locus[ Scaffold GL192650.1 ]: 618668 ... 670452
Number of exons15
Exonsjoin(618668..618724, 621437..621544, 623256..623350, 634692..634785, 635343..635415, 641822..641954, 648790..648919, 653156..653245, 658549..658656, 660542..660637, 661000..661096, 662164..662218, 665646..665759, 668626..668703, 670359..670452)

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