HOG ID | Jaccard similarity | Description |
HOG ID | Jaccard similarity | Description | |
HOG:E0745877 | 0.88671875 | nuclear receptor subfamily | |
HOG:E0746579 | 0.88671875 | coagulation factor XIII | |
HOG:E0746589 | 0.88671875 | RING-type E3 ubiquitin transferase | |
HOG:E0745889 | 0.87890625 | nuclear factor erythroid | |
HOG:E0746535 | 0.875 | HMG box domain containing | |
HOG:E0745778 | 0.87109375 | neuropilin and tolloid like | |
HOG:E0746751 | 0.8671875 | actin filament associated protein | |
HOG:E0747443 | 0.8671875 | regulator of G-protein signaling | |
HOG:E0746759 | 0.8671875 | opioid receptor | |
HOG:E0746800 | 0.86328125 | C1q and TNF related | |
HOG:E0745697 | 0.86328125 | potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily | |
HOG:E0746482 | 0.86328125 | collectin subfamily member 12 | |
HOG:E0745758 | 0.86328125 | kelch repeat and BTB | |
HOG:E0747457 | 0.859375 | myogenic factor | |
HOG:E0745681 | 0.85546875 | hepatic triacylglycerol lipase | |
HOG:E0745735 | 0.85546875 | protein-coupled receptor L4 | |
HOG:E0746808 | 0.85546875 | endothelial type | |
HOG:E0745770 | 0.8515625 | homeodomain interacting protein kinase | |
HOG:E0745764 | 0.8515625 | transcription factor E2F8 | |
HOG:E0746565 | 0.8515625 | purinergic receptor P2Y13 | |
HOG:E0745738 | 0.84765625 | zinc finger ZZ-type containing | |
HOG:E0746775 | 0.84765625 | protein-coupled receptor 183 | |
HOG:E0746495 | 0.84765625 | SH3 and PX domains 2B | |
HOG:E0745696 | 0.84375 | par-6 family cell polarity regulator beta | |
HOG:E0746513 | 0.84375 | growth hormone receptor | |
HOG:E0745825 | 0.83984375 | protocadherin | |
HOG:E0747129 | 0.8359375 | leucine rich repeat containing 32 | |
HOG:E0747128 | 0.8359375 | nuclear envelope integral membrane protein | |
HOG:E0745522 | 0.8359375 | SLIT and NTRK like family member | |
HOG:E0746783 | 0.83203125 | HIVEP zinc finger | |
HOG:E0745484 | 0.83203125 | neuronal tyrosine-phosphorylated phosphoinositide-3- kinase adaptor | |
HOG:E0746733 | 0.83203125 | zinc finger E-box binding homeobox | |
HOG:E0745709 | 0.828125 | elastin microfibril interfacer | |
HOG:E0746774 | 0.828125 | N-arachidonyl glycine receptor | |
HOG:E0746049 | 0.828125 | clusterin | |
HOG:E0745835 | 0.828125 | potassium voltage-gated channel | |
HOG:E0746787 | 0.828125 | DLG associated protein | |
HOG:E0745752 | 0.82421875 | phosphodiesterase 3B | |
HOG:E0745719 | 0.82421875 | XK Kell blood group complex subunit-related family member | |
HOG:E0747131 | 0.82421875 | calcium homeostasis modulator | |
HOG:E0745762 | 0.8203125 | brain-derived neurotrophic factor | |
HOG:E0745859 | 0.8203125 | transforming growth factor beta receptor | |
HOG:E0745849 | 0.8125 | terminal nucleotidyltransferase 4B | |
HOG:E0747095 | 0.8125 | sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit | |
HOG:E0747242 | 0.8046875 | paired related homeobox | |
HOG:E0746498 | 0.8046875 | C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 14 | |
HOG:E0746563 | 0.79296875 | purinergic receptor P2Y14 | |
HOG:E0745734 | 0.76953125 | outer dense fiber of sperm tails | |
HOG:E0746480 | 0.765625 | potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily |