HOG ID | Jaccard similarity | Description |
HOG ID | Jaccard similarity | Description | |
HOG:E0752371 | 0.7578125 | atypical chemokine receptor | |
HOG:E0753931 | 0.75390625 | kinesin family member | |
HOG:E0752598 | 0.75390625 | potassium channel tetramerization domain containing | |
HOG:E0754060 | 0.72265625 | fibromodulin | |
HOG:E0752617 | 0.72265625 | TATA-box-binding protein | |
HOG:E0745809 | 0.7109375 | BAH domain and coiled-coil containing | |
HOG:E0756159 | 0.70703125 | dopamine receptor | |
HOG:E0749115 | 0.703125 | domain containing | |
HOG:E0746425 | 0.703125 | sema domain immunoglobulin domain Ig transmembrane domain TM and short cytoplasmic domain semaphorin 4D | |
HOG:E0747272 | 0.69921875 | microtubule associated protein 1S | |
HOG:E0749292 | 0.6953125 | cortexin | |
HOG:E0783318 | 0.6953125 | small monomeric GTPase | |
HOG:E0749272 | 0.69140625 | family member | |
HOG:E0747039 | 0.6875 | C-X-C motif chemokine receptor | |
HOG:E0753955 | 0.6875 | complement factor | |
HOG:E0746919 | 0.68359375 | claudin | |
HOG:E0763359 | 0.6796875 | cell adhesion associated oncogene regulated | |
HOG:E0749083 | 0.6796875 | MICAL like | |
HOG:E0739581 | 0.6796875 | ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 10 | |
HOG:E0745555 | 0.67578125 | AF4/FMR2 family member | |
HOG:E0740076 | 0.67578125 | nuclear receptor subfamily | |
HOG:E0755447 | 0.671875 | troponin | |
HOG:E0749136 | 0.671875 | claudin | |
HOG:E0747396 | 0.671875 | parvalbumin | |
HOG:E0746108 | 0.671875 | protein-coupled receptor 25 | |
HOG:E0751377 | 0.671875 | signal-induced proliferation-associated | |
HOG:E0751306 | 0.6640625 | sorbin and SH3 domain containing | |
HOG:E0749129 | 0.6640625 | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 40 | |
HOG:E0755463 | 0.6640625 | ADAM metallopeptidase domain | |
HOG:E0763880 | 0.6640625 | nuclear transcription factor | |
HOG:E0739284 | 0.6640625 | fibrinogen alpha chain | |
HOG:E0747201 | 0.65625 | lysine methyltransferase 2E | |
HOG:E0755475 | 0.65625 | fibulin-1 | |
HOG:E0784998 | 0.6484375 | centromere protein | |
HOG:E0762329 | 0.64453125 | leucine rich repeat neuronal | |
HOG:E0763598 | 0.640625 | gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit | |
HOG:E0792658 | 0.640625 | RUN domain-containing protein | |
HOG:E0748899 | 0.640625 | transmembrane protein 159 | |
HOG:E0758635 | 0.63671875 | junctophilin | |
HOG:E0746088 | 0.63671875 | RNA binding protein fox-1 homolog | |
HOG:E0762360 | 0.6328125 | ras responsive element binding protein | |
HOG:E0761901 | 0.625 | polycomb group ring finger | |
HOG:E0755479 | 0.60546875 | repeats and guanylate kinase domain containing | |
HOG:E0759197 | 0.58984375 | transmembrane protein 47 | |
HOG:E0739530 | 0.5859375 | neurofilament heavy | |
HOG:E0751225 | 0.57421875 | THAP domain-containing protein | |
HOG:E0757467 | 0.5703125 | cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit | |
HOG:E0756417 | 0.5078125 | paxillin | |
HOG:E0752397 | 0.49609375 | melanoregulin |