HOG ID | Jaccard similarity | Description |
HOG ID | Jaccard similarity | Description | |
HOG:E0751205 | 0.734375 | family with sequence similarity 181 member | |
HOG:E0746776 | 0.72265625 | Zic family member | |
HOG:E0739474 | 0.703125 | UDP-Gal betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase polypeptide | |
HOG:E0753118 | 0.69921875 | transcription factor | |
HOG:E0746777 | 0.6953125 | Zic family member | |
HOG:E0752603 | 0.6953125 | dual specificity phosphatase 28 | |
HOG:E0749265 | 0.68359375 | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 12 | |
HOG:E0758225 | 0.68359375 | myosin binding protein | |
HOG:E0740029 | 0.67578125 | capping protein regulator and myosin | |
HOG:E0751252 | 0.671875 | motor neuron and pancreas homeobox | |
HOG:E0745895 | 0.66796875 | SOSS complex subunit B2 | |
HOG:E0739214 | 0.66796875 | neuronal PAS domain protein | |
HOG:E0792657 | 0.65625 | mitochondrial fission regulator | |
HOG:E0739516 | 0.6484375 | ephrin A2 | |
HOG:E0739339 | 0.64453125 | collagen type IX alpha | |
HOG:E0746393 | 0.640625 | TRAF3 interacting protein | |
HOG:E0739969 | 0.6328125 | Ras interacting protein | |
HOG:E0746365 | 0.5859375 | neurocan | |
HOG:E0746489 | 0.57421875 | ankyrin repeat domain 24 | |
HOG:E0751294 | 0.5625 | nuclear GTPase germinal center associated | |
HOG:E0759186 | 0.53515625 | forkhead box J3 | |
HOG:E0739361 | 0.4921875 | collagen type XXIII alpha | |
HOG:E0751227 | 0.4921875 | family with sequence similarity 181 member | |
HOG:E0745815 | 0.48046875 | chromosome 17 open reading frame 58 | |
HOG:E0749212 | 0.48046875 | syncollin | |
HOG:E0755617 | 0.47265625 | family with sequence similarity 151 member | |
HOG:E0746331 | 0.4609375 | collagen type XV alpha | |
HOG:E0745783 | 0.4453125 | prostaglandin D2 receptor | |
HOG:E0739152 | 0.4296875 | protein-coupled receptor G5 | |
HOG:E0746545 | 0.421875 | THAP domain containing | |
HOG:E0751387 | 0.41796875 | gamma-glutamyltransferase | |
HOG:E0751634 | 0.3828125 | vesicle associated membrane protein | |
HOG:E0739859 | 0.3828125 | proline and serine rich coiled-coil | |
HOG:E0755676 | 0.37890625 | chromosome 11 open reading frame 42 | |
HOG:E0748306 | 0.37109375 | transmembrane protein 44 | |
HOG:E0738012 | 0.36328125 | open reading frame 131 | |
HOG:E0737728 | 0.3515625 | CD163 molecule | |
HOG:E0755609 | 0.34375 | testis expressed 49 | |
HOG:E0738629 | 0.33984375 | junctional cadherin complex regulator | |
HOG:E0789059 | 0.3359375 | CFAP97 domain containing | |
HOG:E0749170 | 0.328125 | ankyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 17 | |
HOG:E0738732 | 0.30859375 | leucine zipper and EF-hand containing transmembrane protein | |
HOG:E0737993 | 0.3046875 | protein-coupled receptor 156 | |
HOG:E0737840 | 0.296875 | nuclear protein | |
HOG:E0738749 | 0.296875 | kinesin family member 24 | |
HOG:E0758271 | 0.29296875 | kinesin family member 12 | |
HOG:E0738729 | 0.29296875 | transmembrane protein 71 | |
HOG:E0756750 | 0.28515625 | unc-5 family C-terminal like | |
HOG:E0738738 | 0.27734375 | L-selectin |