Completeness score: 1.00
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This HOG has 10 similar HOGs:

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Shared orthologs
HOG size
1 HOG:E0745774 290 154 dpy-19 like
2 HOG:E0794488.3c.4b 4 5 dpy-19 like C-mannosyltransferase
3 HOG:E0133861 4 3 hypothetical protein
4 HOG:E0745774.1a 3 2 dpy-19 like
5 HOG:E0745774.1b 2 2 dpy-19 like
6 HOG:E0143070 2 25 hypothetical protein
7 HOG:E0794488.3c.4a 1 1 dpy-19 like C-mannosyltransferase
8 HOG:E0771785 1 8 C-mannosyltransferase DPY19L4
9 HOG:E0092492.1b 1 1 ID cds evm model
10 HOG:E0092492.1a 1 1 ID cds evm model
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 rows