UC143 - bacterium BMS3Abin14

Proteome version: Genbank; ASM289769v1; GCA_002897695.1; 08-JUN-2018 with 2222 proteins.

Select a TabArrow
Species with most common OMA groups
Nb. OMA Group Scientific Name Nb. orthologous group
1 GEOUR Geotalea uraniireducens (strain Rf4) 873
2 GEOS8 Geobacter sp. (strain M18) 848
3 GEOSM Geobacter sp. (strain M21) 843
4 GEOSK Geobacter sulfurreducens (strain DL-1 / KN400) 841
5 CITBB Citrifermentans bemidjiense (strain ATCC BAA-1014 / DSM 16622 / JCM 12645 / Bem) 837
6 GEOSL Geobacter sulfurreducens (strain ATCC 51573 / DSM 12127 / PCA) 832
7 GEODF Geotalea daltonii (strain DSM 22248 / JCM 15807 / FRC-32) 827
8 GEOMG Geobacter metallireducens (strain ATCC 53774 / DSM 7210 / GS-15) 819
9 DESAA Desulfatibacillum alkenivorans (strain AK-01) 786
10 DESAL Desulfatibacillum aliphaticivorans 785
Species with least common OMA groups
Nb. OMA Group Scientific Name Nb. orthologous group
1 VITCO Vittaforma corneae (strain ATCC 50505) 12
2 ENTBH Enterocytozoon bieneusi (strain H348) 13
3 TRYCI Trypanosoma congolense (strain IL3000) 17
4 EDHAE Edhazardia aedis (strain USNM 41457) 18
5 RALSL Ralstonia solanacearum 22
6 TRAHO Trachipleistophora hominis 22
7 ENCCU Encephalitozoon cuniculi (strain GB-M1) 24
8 NEMP3 Nematocida parisii (strain ERTm3) 24
9 NOSB1 Nosema bombycis (strain CQ1 / CVCC 102059) 25
10 SPRLO Spraguea lophii (strain 42_110) 25