SORC5 - Sorangium cellulosum (strain So ce56)

Proteome version: 18-MAR-2008 (Rel. 88, Last updated, Version 2) with 9336 proteins.

Select a TabArrow
Species with most common OMA groups
Nb. OMA Group Scientific Name Nb. orthologous group
1 MYXSD Myxococcus stipitatus (strain DSM 14675 / JCM 12634 / Mx s8) 1787
2 CORCM Corallococcus coralloides (strain ATCC 25202 / DSM 2259 / NBRC 100086 / M2) 1756
3 STIAD Stigmatella aurantiaca (strain DW4/3-1) 1716
4 MYXXD Myxococcus xanthus (strain DK1622) 1636
5 MYXFH Myxococcus fulvus (strain ATCC BAA-855 / HW-1) 1630
6 HALO1 Haliangium ochraceum (strain DSM 14365 / JCM 11303 / SMP-2) 1600
7 PERCE Persicimonas caeni 1183
8 ANASK Anaeromyxobacter sp. (strain K) 1177
9 ANADE Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans (strain 2CP-C) 1163
10 ANAD2 Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans (strain 2CP-1 / ATCC BAA-258) 1160
Species with least common OMA groups
Nb. OMA Group Scientific Name Nb. orthologous group
1 ENTBH Enterocytozoon bieneusi (strain H348) 22
2 VITCO Vittaforma corneae (strain ATCC 50505) 27
3 TRAHO Trachipleistophora hominis 28
4 TRYCI Trypanosoma congolense (strain IL3000) 28
5 UC149 Candidatus Huberarchaeum crystalense CG_4_9_14_0_8_um_filter_31_21 33
6 EDHAE Edhazardia aedis (strain USNM 41457) 33
7 NEMS1 Nematocida sp. 1 (strain ERTm2 / ATCC PRA-371) 35
8 VAVCU Vavraia culicis (isolate floridensis) 36
9 NANEQ Nanoarchaeum equitans (strain Kin4-M) 36
10 NEMP3 Nematocida parisii (strain ERTm3) 38