METPW - Methanobacterium paludis (strain DSM 25820 / JCM 18151 / SWAN1)

Proteome version: 14-OCT-2011 (Rel. 110, Last updated, Version 2) with 2394 proteins.

Select a TabArrow
Species with most common OMA groups
Nb. OMA Group Scientific Name Nb. orthologous group
1 METLA Methanobacterium lacus (strain AL-21) 1610
2 METTM Methanothermobacter marburgensis (strain ATCC BAA-927 / DSM 2133 / JCM 14651 / NBRC 100331 / OCM 82 / Marburg) 1216
3 METTH Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (strain ATCC 29096 / DSM 1053 / JCM 10044 / NBRC 100330 / Delta H) 1207
4 METS3 Methanobrevibacter smithii (strain ATCC 35061 / DSM 861 / OCM 144 / PS) 989
5 METRM Methanobrevibacter ruminantium (strain ATCC 35063 / DSM 1093 / JCM 13430 / OCM 146 / M1) 967
6 METFV Methanothermus fervidus (strain ATCC 43054 / DSM 2088 / JCM 10308 / V24 S) 950
7 METST Methanosphaera stadtmanae (strain ATCC 43021 / DSM 3091 / JCM 11832 / MCB-3) 905
8 METAC Methanosarcina acetivorans (strain ATCC 35395 / DSM 2834 / JCM 12185 / C2A) 853
9 METMI Methanococcus maripaludis X1 823
10 METMP Methanococcus maripaludis (strain S2 / LL) 821
Species with least common OMA groups
Nb. OMA Group Scientific Name Nb. orthologous group
1 TRYCI Trypanosoma congolense (strain IL3000) 21
2 MONPE Moniliophthora perniciosa (strain FA553 / isolate CP02) 22
3 MYCWM Mycoplasma wenyonii (strain Massachusetts) 27
4 NANGC Nannochloropsis gaditana (strain CCMP526) 27
5 RALSL Ralstonia solanacearum 28
6 MEGSC Megaselia scalaris 30
7 MYCSL Mycoplasma suis (strain Illinois) 30
8 ZINIC Zinderia insecticola (strain CARI) 31
9 SULMC Sulcia muelleri (strain CARI) 31
10 MYCHA Mycoplasma haemolamae (strain Purdue) 31