FIBSS - Fibrobacter succinogenes (strain ATCC 19169 / S85)

Proteome version: 22-DEC-2009 (Rel. 115, Last updated, Version 1) with 3084 proteins.

Select a TabArrow
Species with most common OMA groups
Nb. OMA Group Scientific Name Nb. orthologous group
1 BACTN Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (strain ATCC 29148 / DSM 2079 / JCM 5827 / CCUG 10774 / NCTC 10582 / VPI-5482 / E50) 551
2 UC166 Candidatus Raymondbacteria bacterium RIFOXYA2_FULL_49_16 none 543
3 BACFN Bacteroides fragilis (strain ATCC 25285 / DSM 2151 / CCUG 4856 / JCM 11019 / NCTC 9343 / Onslow) 539
4 BACFR Bacteroides fragilis (strain YCH46) 538
5 BACF6 Bacteroides fragilis (strain 638R) 538
6 PHOV8 Phocaeicola vulgatus (strain ATCC 8482 / DSM 1447 / JCM 5826 / CCUG 4940 / NBRC 14291 / NCTC 11154) 527
7 GEOS8 Geobacter sp. (strain M18) 527
8 KLEOK Klebsiella oxytoca (strain ATCC 8724 / DSM 4798 / JCM 20051 / NBRC 3318 / NRRL B-199 / KCTC 1686 / BUCSAV 143 / CCM 1901) 524
9 CITBB Citrifermentans bemidjiense (strain ATCC BAA-1014 / DSM 16622 / JCM 12645 / Bem) 520
10 KLEVT Klebsiella variicola (strain At-22) 519
Species with least common OMA groups
Nb. OMA Group Scientific Name Nb. orthologous group
1 TRYCI Trypanosoma congolense (strain IL3000) 15
2 VITCO Vittaforma corneae (strain ATCC 50505) 17
3 ENTBH Enterocytozoon bieneusi (strain H348) 18
4 EDHAE Edhazardia aedis (strain USNM 41457) 20
5 NEMP3 Nematocida parisii (strain ERTm3) 21
6 MEGSC Megaselia scalaris 22
7 MONPE Moniliophthora perniciosa (strain FA553 / isolate CP02) 23
8 TRAHO Trachipleistophora hominis 24
9 NANEQ Nanoarchaeum equitans (strain Kin4-M) 24
10 NOSCE Nosema ceranae (strain BRL01) 25