Ancestral genome of leotiomyceta

with 115 descendant species and 36973 ancestral genes (HOGs).

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Common name:leotiomyceta
NCBI taxonomic identifier:716546
Number of ancestral genes:36973
Number of descendant extant species:115
Descendant extant species
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Scientific Name
Common Name
Last Update
# of Sequences
Taxon Id
CONA1 Coniosporium apollinis (strain CBS 100218) Rock-inhabiting black yeast 2018-Sep-16 9308 1168221 E
BOTPV Botryosphaeria parva (strain UCR-NP2) Grapevine canker fungus 2020-Nov-16 10366 1287680 E
AURPU Aureobasidium pullulans Black yeast 2012-Dec-04 10808 5580 E
AURSE Aureobasidium subglaciale (strain EXF-2481) 2022-Feb-21 10792 1043005 E
PASFU Passalora fulva Tomato leaf mold 2012-Dec-17 13957 5499 E
DOTSN Dothistroma septosporum (strain NZE10 / CBS 128990) Red band needle blight fungus 2018-Mar-05 12415 675120 E
SPHMS Sphaerulina musiva (strain SO2202) Poplar stem canker fungus 2019-Mar-20 10156 692275 E
ZYMTI Zymoseptoria tritici (strain CBS 115943 / IPO323) Speckled leaf blotch fungus 2023-Feb-16 10931 336722 E
ZYMTR Zymoseptoria tritici Speckled leaf blotch fungus 2015-Sep-29 10914 1047171 E
BAUPA Baudoinia panamericana (strain UAMH 10762) Angels' share fungus 2022-Feb-24 10508 717646 E
PHANO Phaeosphaeria nodorum (strain SN15 / ATCC MYA-4574 / FGSC 10173) 2007-Sep-16 16489 321614 E
PHAND Phaeosphaeria nodorum Glume blotch fungus 2013-Jan-13 15975 13684 E
COCLU Cochliobolus lunatus Filamentous fungus 2012-Dec-17 12129 5503 E
ALTAL Alternaria alternata Alternaria rot fungus 2020-Nov-16 13466 5599 E
COCSN Cochliobolus sativus (strain ND90Pr / ATCC 201652) Common root rot and spot blotch fungus 2018-Sep-16 12214 665912 E
COCH5 Cochliobolus heterostrophus (strain C5 / ATCC 48332 / race O) Southern corn leaf blight fungus 2020-Nov-16 13316 701091 E
PYRTR Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (strain Pt-1C-BFP) Wheat tan spot fungus 2018-Sep-26 12169 426418 E
EPING Epicoccum nigrum Soil fungus 2021-Sep-27 12025 105696 E
LEPMJ Leptosphaeria maculans (strain JN3 / isolate v23.1.3 / race Av1-4-5-6-7-8) Blackleg fungus 2012-Dec-04 12466 985895 E
EXOME Exophiala mesophila Black yeast 2020-Nov-16 10347 212818 E
EXODN Exophiala dermatitidis (strain ATCC 34100 / CBS 525.76 / NIH/UT8656) Black yeast 2020-Nov-16 9578 858893 E
ENDPU Endocarpon pusillum (strain Z07020 / HMAS-L-300199) Lichen-forming fungus 2020-Nov-16 9238 1263415 E
TALIS Talaromyces islandicus 2020-Nov-16 9927 28573 E
TALSN Talaromyces stipitatus (strain ATCC 10500 / CBS 375.48 / QM 6759 / NRRL 1006) 2016-Dec-22 13014 441959 E
ASPPA Aspergillus parasiticus 2023-Feb-16 13752 5067 E
ASPGL Aspergillus glaucus 2012-Dec-17 10056 41413 E
PETAA Petromyces alliaceus 2022-Feb-24 13098 209559 E
ASPC5 Aspergillus carbonarius (strain ITEM 5010) 2020-Nov-16 11478 602072 E
ASPBC Aspergillus brasiliensis (strain CBS 101740 / IMI 381727 / IBT 21946) 2022-Feb-24 12990 767769 E
ASPTC Aspergillus tubingensis (strain CBS 134.48) 2021-May-02 12319 767770 E
ASPN1 Aspergillus novofumigatus (strain IBT 16806) 2022-Feb-21 11534 1392255 E
ASPV1 Aspergillus violaceofuscus (strain CBS 115571) 2022-Feb-24 12080 1450538 E
EMENI Emericella nidulans (strain FGSC A4 / ATCC 38163 / CBS 112.46 / NRRL 194 / M139) 2010-May-24 10510 227321 E
EMEND Emericella nidulans 2012-Dec-04 10674 162425 E
ASPCI Aspergillus calidoustus 2022-Feb-24 15384 454130 E
ASPA1 Aspergillus aculeatus (strain ATCC 16872 / CBS 172.66 / WB 5094) 2022-Feb-21 10843 690307 E
ASPAC Aspergillus aculeatus 2013-Jan-13 10819 5053 E
ASPNG Aspergillus niger 2020-Nov-16 10373 5061 E
ASPFN Aspergillus flavus (strain ATCC 200026 / FGSC A1120 / IAM 13836 / NRRL 3357 / JCM 12722 / SRRC 167) 2012-Nov-15 13487 332952 E
ASPTN Aspergillus terreus (strain NIH 2624 / FGSC A1156) 2013-Jan-13 10404 341663 E
ASPOR Aspergillus oryzae (strain ATCC 42149 / RIB 40) Yellow koji mold 2013-Jan-13 12008 510516 E
ASPFU Neosartorya fumigata (strain ATCC MYA-4609 / Af293 / CBS 101355 / FGSC A1100) 2014-Mar-24 9630 330879 E
NEOFI Neosartorya fischeri (strain ATCC 1020 / DSM 3700 / CBS 544.65 / FGSC A1164 / JCM 1740 / NRRL 181 / WB 181) 2013-Jan-13 10402 331117 E
ASPCL Aspergillus clavatus (strain ATCC 1007 / CBS 513.65 / DSM 816 / NCTC 3887 / NRRL 1 / QM 1276 / 107) 2012-Nov-15 9121 344612 E
PENPA Penicillium patulum 2020-Nov-16 9630 5078 E
PENIT Penicillium italicum Blue mold 2019-Mar-24 9996 40296 E
PENNA Penicillium nalgiovense 2020-Nov-16 11853 60175 E
PENDC Penicillium decumbens 2020-Nov-16 7149 69771 E
PENCH Penicillium chrysogenum 2012-Dec-04 11396 5076 E
PENRW Penicillium rubens (strain ATCC 28089 / DSM 1075 / NRRL 1951 / Wisconsin 54-1255) 2012-Nov-08 12770 500485 E
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