Ancestral genome of Vertebrata

with 167 descendant species and 65299 ancestral genes (HOGs).

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Common name:Vertebrata
NCBI taxonomic identifier:7742
Number of ancestral genes:65299
Number of descendant extant species:167
Descendant extant species
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Scientific Name
Common Name
Last Update
# of Sequences
Taxon Id
CALMI Callorhinchus milii Ghost shark 2021-Jul-18 49321 7868 E
SCYTO Scyliorhinus torazame Cloudy catshark 2022-Mar-07 27605 75743 E
CHIPU Chiloscyllium punctatum Brownbanded bambooshark 2022-Mar-07 33501 137246 E
LATCH Latimeria chalumnae West Indian ocean coelacanth 2013-Feb-14 20358 7897 E
XENLA Xenopus laevis African clawed frog 2019-Sep-12 42706 8355 E
XENTR Xenopus tropicalis Western clawed frog 2022-Sep-19 45099 8364 E
BUFBU Bufo bufo European toad 2022-Aug-30 38109 8384 E
SPHPU Sphenodon punctatus Tuatara 2019-Feb-03 25026 8508 E
SCEUN Sceloporus undulatus Eastern fence lizard 2024-Mar-26 43690 8520 E
ANOCA Anolis carolinensis Green anole 2013-Feb-24 18029 28377 E
THAEL Thamnophis elegans Western terrestrial garter snake 2024-Mar-19 30876 35005 E
PANGU Pantherophis guttatus Corn snake 2024-Mar-26 45056 94885 E
PSETE Pseudonaja textilis Eastern brown snake 2021-Jul-18 27955 8673 E
NAJNA Naja naja Indian cobra 2024-Mar-19 29965 35670 E
CROTI Crotalus tigris Tiger rattlesnake 2024-Mar-26 51661 88082 E
PROMU Protobothrops mucrosquamatus Taiwan habu 2024-Mar-26 23351 103944 E
PYTBI Python bivittatus Burmese python 2024-Mar-26 32724 176946 E
VARKO Varanus komodoensis Komodo dragon 2022-Aug-29 29181 61221 E
SALMN Salvator merianae Argentine black and white tegu 2022-Aug-30 30893 96440 E
PODMU Podarcis muralis Wall lizard 2021-Jun-22 37240 64176 E
LACAG Lacerta agilis Sand lizard 2024-Apr-02 39267 80427 E
CHRPI Chrysemys picta bellii Western painted turtle 2019-Feb-03 37192 8478 E
CHEAB Chelonoidis abingdonii Abingdon island giant tortoise 2019-Jun-18 31643 106734 E
PELSI Pelodiscus sinensis Chinese softshell turtle 2012-Aug-12 18318 13735 E
CROPO Crocodylus porosus Saltwater crocodile 2022-Jan-23 27195 8502 E
PARMJ Parus major Great tit 2019-Jun-18 26297 9157 E
JUNHY Junco hyemalis Dark-eyed junco 2019-Sep-18 22418 40217 E
FICAL Ficedula albicollis Collared flycatcher 2013-Oct-03 15383 59894 E
SERCA Serinus canaria Island canary 2019-Jun-18 23606 9135 E
CHLGU Chloebia gouldiae Gouldian finch 2021-Apr-28 23847 44316 E
TAEGU Taeniopygia guttata Zebra finch 2022-Jun-19 32098 59729 E
CORMO Corvus moneduloides New Caledonian crow 2022-Aug-30 28454 1196302 E
MELUD Melopsittacus undulatus Budgerigar 2019-Sep-19 21972 13146 E
STRHB Strigops habroptila Kakapo 2021-Apr-28 24520 2489341 E
TYTAL Tyto alba Barn owl 2022-Aug-31 41980 56313 E
ATHCN Athene cunicularia Burrowing owl 2021-Jun-22 22665 194338 E
HALLE Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle 2022-Aug-31 25265 52644 E
FALTI Falco tinnunculus Common kestrel 2022-Aug-29 25330 100819 E
ANAPP Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos Northern mallard 2020-Nov-01 27833 8840 E
ANAPL Anas platyrhynchos Domestic duck 2013-Oct-03 15753 8839 E
CHICK Gallus gallus Chicken 2023-May-01 68684 9031 E
PHACC Phasianus colchicus Common pheasant 2021-Jul-18 25525 9054 E
MELGA Meleagris gallopavo Common turkey 2013-Mar-05 14627 9103 E
ORNAN Ornithorhynchus anatinus Duckbill platypus 2022-Jun-19 32939 9258 E
TACAU Tachyglossus aculeatus Short-beaked echidna 2022-Aug-30 33269 9261 E
SARHA Sarcophilus harrisii Tasmanian devil 2011-Oct-02 19337 9305 E
MONDO Monodelphis domestica Gray short-tailed opossum 2022-Jun-19 36557 13616 E
NOTEU Notamacropus eugenii Tammar wallaby 2013-Mar-05 15262 9315 E
VOMUR Vombatus ursinus Common wombat 2021-May-27 32889 29139 E
PHACI Phascolarctos cinereus Koala 2019-Feb-03 36453 38626 E
Showing 1 to 50 of 167 rows rows per page