with 43 descendant species and 54655 ancestral genes (HOGs).
Common name: | Teleostei |
NCBI taxonomic identifier: | 32443 |
Number of ancestral genes: | 54655 |
Number of descendant extant species: | 43 |
Code | Scientific Name | Common Name | Last Update | # of Sequences | Taxon Id | D. |
ANGAN | Anguilla anguilla | European freshwater eel | 2021-Jan-16 | 58091 | 7936 | E |
DANRE | Danio rerio | Zebrafish | 2022-Jun-19 | 52089 | 7955 | E |
SINGR | Sinocyclocheilus grahami | Dianchi golden-line fish | 2021-Jun-22 | 105618 | 75366 | E |
CYPCA | Cyprinus carpio carpio | 2024-Jan-11 | 145576 | 630221 | E | |
ICTPU | Ictalurus punctatus | Channel catfish | 2018-Oct-09 | 36177 | 7998 | E |
ELEEL | Electrophorus electricus | Electric eel | 2021-Jun-22 | 50993 | 8005 | E |
ASTMX | Astyanax mexicanus | Blind cave fish | 2013-Dec-17 | 23079 | 7994 | E |
PYGNA | Pygocentrus nattereri | Red-bellied piranha | 2019-Feb-26 | 37995 | 42514 | E |
ESOLU | Esox lucius | Northern pike | 2022-Jun-19 | 72047 | 8010 | E |
SALSA | Salmo salar | Atlantic salmon | 2024-Jan-11 | 146172 | 8030 | E |
SALTR | Salmo trutta | Brown trout | 2021-May-28 | 116557 | 8032 | E |
GADMO | Gadus morhua | Atlantic cod | 2022-Jun-16 | 62247 | 8049 | E |
ANATE | Anabas testudineus | Climbing perch | 2018-Nov-05 | 35702 | 64144 | E |
HIPCM | Hippocampus comes | Tiger tail seahorse | 2018-Oct-09 | 28082 | 109280 | E |
SCOMX | Scophthalmus maximus | Turbot | 2018-Nov-07 | 33665 | 52904 | E |
CYNSE | Cynoglossus semilaevis | Tongue sole | 2019-Aug-27 | 32869 | 244447 | E |
SERDU | Seriola dumerili | Mediterranean greater amberjack | 2019-Feb-26 | 33187 | 41447 | E |
ECHNA | Echeneis naucrates | Live sharksucker | 2021-Jul-01 | 55084 | 173247 | E |
AMPCI | Amphilophus citrinellus | Midas cichlid | 2020-Jan-19 | 31765 | 61819 | E |
ORENI | Oreochromis niloticus | Nile tilapia | 2022-Jun-19 | 75555 | 8128 | E |
OREAU | Oreochromis aureus | Israeli tilapia | 2021-Jul-01 | 59303 | 47969 | E |
NEOBR | Neolamprologus brichardi | Fairy cichlid | 2019-Aug-27 | 32024 | 32507 | E |
HAPBU | Haplochromis burtoni | Burton's mouthbrooder | 2019-Aug-27 | 34410 | 8153 | E |
ASTCA | Astatotilapia calliptera | Eastern happy | 2021-Jan-16 | 41597 | 8154 | E |
AMPOC | Amphiprion ocellaris | Clown anemonefish | 2018-Nov-14 | 31964 | 80972 | E |
AMPPE | Amphiprion percula | Orange clownfish | 2020-Jan-19 | 34985 | 161767 | E |
SALFA | Salarias fasciatus | Jewelled blenny | 2021-May-29 | 56799 | 181472 | E |
ORYLA | Oryzias latipes | Medaka fish | 2013-Mar-07 | 20499 | 8090 | E |
ORYME | Oryzias melastigma | Marine medaka | 2019-Feb-26 | 36345 | 30732 | E |
ORYJA | Oryzias javanicus | Javanese ricefish | 2021-Jul-01 | 50290 | 123683 | E |
CYPVA | Cyprinodon variegatus | Sheepshead minnow | 2019-Mar-24 | 32184 | 28743 | E |
POERE | Poecilia reticulata | Guppy | 2021-Jan-16 | 34347 | 8081 | E |
POEFO | Poecilia formosa | Amazon molly | 2014-Oct-01 | 25163 | 48698 | E |
XIPMA | Xiphophorus maculatus | Southern platyfish | 2022-Jun-19 | 36613 | 8083 | E |
GAMAF | Gambusia affinis | Western mosquitofish | 2021-May-28 | 32756 | 33528 | E |
KRYMA | Kryptolebias marmoratus | Mangrove killifish | 2020-Jan-19 | 30189 | 37003 | E |
NOTFU | Nothobranchius furzeri | Turquoise killifish | 2018-Feb-06 | 33407 | 105023 | E |
SPAAU | Sparus aurata | Gilthead sea bream | 2021-May-27 | 70047 | 8175 | E |
DICLA | Dicentrarchus labrax | European seabass | 2024-Jan-10 | 54417 | 13489 | E |
TAKRU | Takifugu rubripes | Japanese pufferfish | 2022-Jun-19 | 52243 | 31033 | E |
TETNG | Tetraodon nigroviridis | Spotted green pufferfish | 2013-Mar-10 | 20020 | 99883 | E |
MOLML | Mola mola | Ocean sunfish | 2020-Jan-19 | 29015 | 94237 | E |
GASAC | Gasterosteus aculeatus | Three-spined stickleback | 2013-Feb-14 | 21773 | 69293 | E |