Ancestral genome of Onchocercidae

with 5 descendant species and 15479 ancestral genes (HOGs).

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Common name:Onchocercidae
NCBI taxonomic identifier:6296
Number of ancestral genes:15479
Number of descendant extant species:5
Descendant extant species
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Scientific Name
Common Name
Last Update
# of Sequences
Taxon Id
BRUMA Brugia malayi Filarial nematode worm 2014-Mar-02 14312 6279 E
ONCVO Onchocerca volvulus 2014-Oct-26 12948 6282 E
WUCBA Wuchereria bancrofti 2021-Aug-31 13058 6293 E
LOALO Loa loa Eye worm 2014-Oct-26 14863 7209 E
LITSI Litomosoides sigmodontis Filarial nematode worm 2024-Jan-25 10014 42156 E
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