with 8 descendant species and 30560 ancestral genes (HOGs).
Common name: | Artiodactyla |
NCBI taxonomic identifier: | 91561 |
Number of ancestral genes: | 30560 |
Number of descendant extant species: | 8 |
Code | Scientific Name | Common Name | Last Update | # of Sequences | Taxon Id | D. |
TURTR | Tursiops truncatus | Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphin | 2013-Mar-10 | 16496 | 9739 | E |
BALMU | Balaenoptera musculus | Blue whale | 2021-Mar-14 | 31354 | 9771 | E |
PIGXX | Sus scrofa | Pig | 2018-Oct-09 | 40166 | 9823 | E |
BOVIN | Bos taurus | Bovine | 2021-Jan-24 | 37538 | 9913 | E |
BOBOX | Bos indicus x Bos taurus | Hybrid cattle | 2021-Jul-18 | 42501 | 30522 | E |
CAPHI | Capra hircus | Goat | 2019-Aug-27 | 32873 | 9925 | E |
SHEEP | Ovis aries | Sheep | 2013-Dec-17 | 21084 | 9940 | E |
VICPA | Vicugna pacos | Alpaca | 2014-Jun-18 | 11733 | 30538 | E |