with 76 descendant species and 58914 ancestral genes (HOGs).
Common name: | Theria |
NCBI taxonomic identifier: | 32525 |
Number of ancestral genes: | 58914 |
Number of descendant extant species: | 76 |
Code | Scientific Name | Common Name | Last Update | # of Sequences | Taxon Id | D. |
SARHA | Sarcophilus harrisii | Tasmanian devil | 2011-Oct-02 | 19337 | 9305 | E |
MONDO | Monodelphis domestica | Gray short-tailed opossum | 2022-Jun-19 | 36557 | 13616 | E |
NOTEU | Notamacropus eugenii | Tammar wallaby | 2013-Mar-05 | 15262 | 9315 | E |
VOMUR | Vombatus ursinus | Common wombat | 2021-May-27 | 32889 | 29139 | E |
PHACI | Phascolarctos cinereus | Koala | 2019-Feb-03 | 36453 | 38626 | E |
CHOHO | Choloepus hoffmanni | Hoffmann's two-fingered sloth | 2013-Mar-05 | 12329 | 9358 | E |
DASNO | Dasypus novemcinctus | Nine-banded armadillo | 2015-Jan-06 | 23533 | 9361 | E |
ECHTE | Echinops telfairi | Lesser hedgehog tenrec | 2013-Mar-05 | 16499 | 9371 | E |
LOXAF | Loxodonta africana | African elephant | 2013-Feb-14 | 21050 | 9785 | E |
PROCA | Procavia capensis | Cape hyrax | 2013-Mar-07 | 16002 | 9813 | E |
ERIEU | Erinaceus europaeus | Western European hedgehog | 2013-Mar-05 | 14488 | 9365 | E |
SORAR | Sorex araneus | Eurasian common shrew | 2013-Mar-10 | 13096 | 42254 | E |
MYOLU | Myotis lucifugus | Little brown bat | 2015-Jun-17 | 19862 | 59463 | E |
RHIFE | Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | Greater horseshoe bat | 2021-Jun-22 | 33717 | 59479 | E |
PTEVA | Pteropus vampyrus | Large flying fox | 2013-Mar-10 | 16947 | 132908 | E |
HORSE | Equus caballus | Horse | 2022-Jun-19 | 44934 | 9796 | E |
EQUAS | Equus asinus asinus | 2019-Jun-18 | 33551 | 83772 | E | |
CERSS | Ceratotherium simum simum | Southern white rhinoceros | 2022-Sep-12 | 33629 | 73337 | E |
MANJA | Manis javanica | Malayan pangolin | 2021-Jan-24 | 55869 | 9974 | E |
FELCA | Felis catus | Cat | 2022-Jun-16 | 40302 | 9685 | E |
PANLE | Panthera leo | Lion | 2024-Jan-08 | 31178 | 9689 | E |
SURSU | Suricata suricatta | Meerkat | 2021-May-28 | 37290 | 37032 | E |
CANLF | Canis lupus familiaris | Dog | 2013-Jan-29 | 20610 | 9615 | E |
VULVU | Vulpes vulpes | Red fox | 2019-Feb-03 | 39090 | 9627 | E |
URSAM | Ursus americanus | American black bear | 2019-Feb-03 | 32837 | 9643 | E |
URSMA | Ursus maritimus | Polar bear | 2019-Feb-03 | 33662 | 29073 | E |
AILME | Ailuropoda melanoleuca | Giant panda | 2013-Mar-03 | 19816 | 9646 | E |
MUSPF | Mustela putorius furo | European domestic ferret | 2012-Nov-13 | 19905 | 9669 | E |
TURTR | Tursiops truncatus | Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphin | 2013-Mar-10 | 16496 | 9739 | E |
BALMU | Balaenoptera musculus | Blue whale | 2021-Mar-14 | 31354 | 9771 | E |
PIGXX | Sus scrofa | Pig | 2018-Oct-09 | 40166 | 9823 | E |
BOVIN | Bos taurus | Bovine | 2021-Jan-24 | 37538 | 9913 | E |
BOBOX | Bos indicus x Bos taurus | Hybrid cattle | 2021-Jul-18 | 42501 | 30522 | E |
CAPHI | Capra hircus | Goat | 2019-Aug-27 | 32873 | 9925 | E |
SHEEP | Ovis aries | Sheep | 2013-Dec-17 | 21084 | 9940 | E |
VICPA | Vicugna pacos | Alpaca | 2014-Jun-18 | 11733 | 30538 | E |
OTOGA | Otolemur garnettii | Small-eared galago | 2013-Mar-07 | 19514 | 30611 | E |
MICMU | Microcebus murinus | Lesser mouse lemur | 2013-Mar-05 | 16223 | 30608 | E |
PROCO | Propithecus coquereli | Coquerel's sifaka | 2018-Nov-21 | 32202 | 379532 | E |
CALJA | Callithrix jacchus | White-tufted-ear marmoset | 2022-Jun-19 | 48683 | 9483 | E |
SAIBB | Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis | Bolivian squirrel monkey | 2018-Dec-23 | 40695 | 39432 | E |
CEBIM | Cebus imitator | Panamanian white-faced capuchin | 2022-Jan-23 | 40212 | 2715852 | E |
AOTNA | Aotus nancymaae | Ma's night monkey | 2018-Dec-22 | 42510 | 37293 | E |
CERAT | Cercocebus atys | Sooty mangabey | 2018-Nov-05 | 46067 | 9531 | E |
MACFA | Macaca fascicularis | Crab-eating macaque | 2018-Nov-21 | 46148 | 9541 | E |
MACMU | Macaca mulatta | Rhesus macaque | 2022-Jun-19 | 48770 | 9544 | E |
MACNE | Macaca nemestrina | Pig-tailed macaque | 2018-Nov-05 | 46238 | 9545 | E |
PAPAN | Papio anubis | Olive baboon | 2022-Jun-19 | 43934 | 9555 | E |
MANLE | Mandrillus leucophaeus | Drill | 2018-Nov-05 | 40903 | 9568 | E |
CHLSB | Chlorocebus sabaeus | Green monkey | 2014-Oct-01 | 19172 | 60711 | E |