Gene MACMU20305 (A0A1D5RG52)

E Macaca mulatta | Scavenger receptor cysteine rich family member wit [SSC5D]

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General Information

Descriptionscavenger receptor cysteine rich family member with 5 domains [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:26641]; transcript_id=ENSMMUT00000053644.2
Organism MACMU - Macaca mulatta
Locus[ Chromosome 19 ]: 55237924 ... 55263435
Number of exons14
Exonsjoin(55237924..55237948, 55238808..55238834, 55239158..55239466, 55239687..55239800, 55240047..55240157, 55240520..55240828, 55243701..55244018, 55244709..55244882, 55247979..55248296, 55249899..55250495, 55250573..55250887, 55251118..55251285, 55259842..55260003, 55261718..55263435)

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